Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nose Ring... poll

In honor of election week.......

So today Mark picked Jessica and I up from the airport and next thing I know he has an "AWESOME" Idea.... Mark wants to get his nose peirced! He thinks its going to be the coolest thing ever. Michael Norwood and Jessica Claire think it would look RAD and Jessica suggested that I should take a Blog poll and let the world decide. 
He just wants a small hoop on one of his nostrils what do you think? And please list the reasons why you think he should or should not get it. 


Scott Andrew said...

Dude, don't do it! Piercings and ink will soon go the way of Rick Roll, Britney, Paris, Yankee Stadium and the Gremlins!

Anonymous said...

please do it! i've wanted to get my nose pierced since i was 15 but i've always been too chicken. now i'm all grown up and i STILL want it.....still chicken :(

Blair Van Bussel said...

I say yes. I am normally not big on them, espsh for guys. But I think Mark would rock it. Plus, you can always take it out if you dont like it. No harm done.

Blair Van Bussel said...

p.s. I stand behind my vote and want to add that I have my lip pierced (and umm...9 other piercings) and I rarely wear it, but when i do, its super fun :)

Brooke Snow said...

Don't do it! I always think they are distracting...I end up staring at people's piercings and wondering if they hurt...I wouldn't want people staring at my nostril...

Anonymous said...

Do it! Do it! Do it! I personally think they are so cool on rad people. Wear it for 3 months then decide if you like looking at it every morning in the mirror. A small hoop or stud is great. Nothing too flashy or gaudy. I want one, too.

Anonymous said...

ive got a nose ring-and i love it! have had it for three or four years.

Matthew + Molly Snelson said...

Metal in your nose is awesome and then we can be twinsies! I heal badly and have to wait to put my ring in. BUT you can put the ring in as your peircing jewlery rather than a stud and bypass the waiting process.

Hoops are way funner. (yes, i said funner.)

Rock that ish!


Matthew + Molly Snelson said...

p.s. I know Fullerton is a bit of a drive up but the guys at Nothing Shocking are radical, I was in and out... paid, peirced and ready to rock'n'roll in 5 minutes flat, no joke.

Sarah Kamolz said...

NO.... I just think nose rings are silly, ESPECIALLY on guys

wrecklessgirl said...

hilarious that this is a poll. you guys are awesome :)

the girl with an itty bitty hardly-noticable eyebrow diamond stud in her face...voted. :)


Brandi said...

Do it! Do it!

First off, even if you don't like it, once you take it out you won't be able to see a thing! I believe everyone should have a facial piercing at some point in their lives :P Okay.. maybe not everyone.. Or like me.. you could have a few.. :P

Dooooo it. And take pictures. :P

Candice Brouillette said...

nose rings are cute...
on girls.
not so much for guys. but i think the pictures would be funny enough to make it worth it. besides its only temporary.
and whats this on one nostril business? get your septum pierced!

go big or go home, mark.

Abigail Q said...

My husband had a nose ring for a good year and now he has a scar on his nose that looks like a olive's butt. Yes, it gives him character, and thats cute and all, but seriously, do you want a olive butt scar on your nose when you decide to take it out? I think not... ;)

Caitlin said...

I'm surprised you don't have one already.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it. Had a friend who, when she had a cold, had snot come out the side through the hole. That's just nasty.

Anonymous said...

I had my nose pierced (although I am a girl) and I loved it. I did take it out though because I got tired of it getting caught on my towel when I'd dry my face. I know people who can pull it in and out and not have it hurt but mine hurt to move around. As a warning, you may have a scar...maybe noses heal better but my husband had his lip pierced and it scarred.

Dana Grant said...

I think nose-rings are kinda girly. However if you could make it manly, I'm all for it.

Jen Berry said...

Dear Mark,

Here are my concerns/questions about your venture.

1. scar
2. it's kinda like a chick
3. apparently sometimes they smell
4. eeeew. does snot really come out your nose?
5. are you good with hygiene? i think you probably are great.
6. does candice like it?
5. will it scratch the back of your camera?
6. are you going have varied styles to match your outfits?
7. do you have a good piercer in mind. please don't bleed to death by hitting a blood vessel.
8. i don't know you, but are you kinda emo?
9. i don't know you, but do you look like lenny kravitz or 2pac, they are hot.
10. you might hurt candice when you make out.
11. are you getting a tiny thin hoop? or a big fat one. tiny = girly/less likely to get a scar. large = manly (relatively speaking)/but likely scar.
12. are you under 30?

anyway. i say eeew. no.

Kriea Arie said...

DO IT!!! Why not?

kymberli q. said...

Uh. NO.

Anonymous said...

Do it Do it!!!!!

Coming from the girl whose Fiance has two piercings in his eyebrow...but be prepared for the "Did that hurt" questions...its amazing what some people would ask!!

I would totally have one if I didn't work for a totally conservative hospital!!

BK said...

Dude, you're not a chick...

Jen Berry said...

hahah. i think BK's answer is short and "sweet"

Anonymous said...

I say screw polls and other people's opinions. If you want it... get it! You are the one who has to be happy/live with it. If you like it, you will rock it. =)

Anonymous said...

first off, i say dooo it! secondly...i LOVE the gremlins!!!

Allyson Magda Photography said...

DO it....Do it...with the accent (from Starsky & Hutch)......I double dog dare you.

Ely Roberts said...

probably shouldn't, unless you BOTH do it! that would be sweet!

BK said...

Alright, fine...if Candice does it too then it's ok.

Anonymous said...


It's unprofessional, and as modern and hip as your couples may be, there are inevitably some people who will be so turned off by it they won't want to hire you... That's not worth loosing an drop of business over, as busy as you are.

Additionally, shooting during a wedding with grandmas and grandpas... it makes you look much younger... like a punk kid playing with a camera rather than a professional, trendy photographer with style.

It's also a trend. A trend which is already pretty out of style. You don't want someone to look at you and go... What was he thinking?

You can claim it's "temporary" but I got my ears pierced when I was 12 didn't wear earrings for 10 years and they still didn't close up! You want a hole in your nose forever? What if it scars? You want a big scar on your nose? Also, you HAVE to leave the ring in there for X amount of time while your nose heals. You won't be able to take it out for occasions in which it would be inappropriate.

Finally, and lastly, Dude it's totally feminine. You're not a girl.