Friday, January 23, 2009

Cyndy and Scott! Talk about COLOR !

Cyndy and Scott are some awesome people! We met them in Starbucks almost a year ago, and we immediately knew their wedding was going to be hard-core awesome.  Their wedding was split into two different ceremonies. The first one was gorgeous with all the different colors, and the second (traditional western) ceremony was breath taking. We love each and ever client the same...but different... they all bring so much to the table. And each of their love stories are different. You can tell that Cyndy and Scott are perfect for each other, and we are soooo happy for them. 

In the next few weeks we are going to be doing another portrait session with them, and we honestly cant wait!

*edit*  we are rocking out some new Post-Processing (along with a special finishing touch courtesy of  Micheal Norwood.) let us know what you think!

We have all been to weddings were there is that "one" guest who is just groovin' to the music! Well... here is that guy.


Anonymous said...

beautiful as always!

Gretchen Edwards said...

what a gorgeous wedding! love the processing! the bench shot is my fav. =)

Anonymous said...

stunning! really brightened up my rainy day...awesome job! love that ring shot, SO cute!

Blair Van Bussel said...

You guys are awesome! These are all amazing shots. Love the bright colors and the “feel/mood” of these pictures, they feel so relaxed but really fun at the same time. Oh….& the post processing is hot!

Catie Ronquillo said...

What an awesome wedding! Love that ring shot too, so cute! :)

Ashley Rose said...

The Post Processing is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. ;) Love all the shots! Especially the ring shot with the lil ghosts? Lol. Gorgeous wedding!


seriously? I am stunned by the post processing awesomeness - TOTALLY love it! these shots are fantastic as well! Missing the gals already.

*Lissa* said...

Awesome! I love the rings too. Do those figurines have a special meaning??

Jessica said...

What a beautiful wedding. I love all the shots, but I think the ring and the bouquet ones are my favorites!

Tiffany said...

Speechless!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that you're trying something different. The processing on these is hot! Great job guys! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out if that is a Thai wedding or a Lao wedding but awesome pictures as usual.This is just me...I did not see a big difference in post processing. It's still stunning work. Ciao!

Jackie Wonders :: photography blog said...

holee macrole! i LOVE the different look and feel. fantastic!