Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brandon & Liz: The Day After

This past weekend I had the opportunity to shoot Brandon and Liz's "day after."  It was so much fun.  Brandon is a Jr. high youth pastor at a church in Brea, Ca; and Liz is a Jr. High teacher.  They are two of the most awesome people on the earth!  I had an absolute blast!  
Brandon and liz, thank you guys for everything, Candice and I love you two.

(if you say it in slow-mo it makes sense) 

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


So, My wife and I went to Paris and London last month and i finally got around to editing the pictures, now that things have slowed down.  It was absolutely fantastic! There are way, way to many stories to tell so i will just tell you guys the BEST one.

To preface the story Paris's underground staff was on strike, while we were there.  Which meant it was free to travel on it, but everything was running at about 10%!

On the last day, Candice and I stepped into the tiny cramped elevator, every single elevator in Europe is about half of the size of any elevator in the States, and  we headed down to the check out desk.  As the doors slid open a slight hint of cigarette smoke filled out nostrils, as was the case of every lobby in France. We had 3 hours to get from our hotel to the CDG airport, which was more than enough time, being as it only takes 30 minutes to get there.

We arrive at the airport after about 1:00 of travel time. We are thinking "no big deal... we still have an hour before check in is closed."  Little did we know that we got dropped off at the wrong terminal, and the airport is as big as Paris itself!  We had to take a tram to get to the right terminal,  and then walk about 1/2 a mile to our gate, only to find out that we were five minutes to late!   

The Flight service personnel told us "It would simply be impossible, and that we should have been on time."  Which was infinitely frustrating because of how snooty they said it.  We were not too worried because, we figured that we could just catch the next flight out in a hour or so. 

We marched over to the ticketing booth, and proceeded to try to book the next flight out.  The staff informed us that Northworst airlines...ahem! I mean Northwest,  only has one flight per day, and all flight were booked for the next 2 days!  Candice had to be back for her job, I had to be back for am engagement shoot,  needless to say we had to leave then and there..  It was Thanksgiving Day weekend and every single hotel in the area was sold out.  We were completely stuck!!!!!!  

 So, short story Long, we had to sleep in the airport for two days.  Yes, we DID sleep within 5 feet of the homeless, that snuck into the airport at night for shelter.   So, after two long days, we got to finally come home and  Oh my goodness it felt so good when we did!  In short the trip was amazing and we now a a hilarious story  to tell.   

Here are some photos of our vacation.

My wonderful wife...
There was a couple that asked me to Shoot a quick portrait session while we were there.

...Yes we DID try ESCARGOT (snails)   ...yes they WERE good.

There was an awesome rally against terrorism while we were there.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I just built my own website!

So, i have had an Insane month. My lovely bride and I traveled to europe (awesome), got stuck in the airport for two days (not awesome), and moved apartments. i just finished building my new and improved website. I spent most of my time in the terminal building it. Please tell me what you think!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Casey and Laura

So, i have been out of commission for a while. i.e. my Lovely bride and I went on vacation to London and to Paris, then moved from orange, Ca to Costa mesa, Ca when we got back. Needless to say the team has been busy, plus we have not had internet for 2 weeks due to the move.

Right before I left, I had the opportunity to shoot with
Karey Michelle down in Dana Point, Ca.

I have known Casey & Laura for about 3 years now. We all met while volunteering for Rock Harbor's Youth group:
The Hub. They are two of the most awesome people in the world.

Casey & Larua, Candice and I are so excited for your journey to begin, you are In our prayers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Elaina & AJ

Last Sunday I met up with Elaina and her soon to be husband AJ. Elaina has the sweetest southern accent in the entire earth! They are awesome people! Elaina works at a design firm down in Irvine. She designs the layout for hotels and does a really awesome job! AJ is a pastor and is hilarious! they were so much fun to shoot.

I am so blessed to be a part of their wedding process. They are planning to have their wedding in Georgia in late December, which is so cool.

AJ & Elaina,

Candice and I thank you two for allowing us to be apart of somthing so special to you guys.