Sunday, September 9, 2007

Laborial Day

MARK! Are you crazy!?! It is not Memorial day. It is freaking Labor day!

Ahh, I can't stop calling it that.

All day I called what was Labor day, Memorial day! I could not stop, I tried and tried. So, i decided to rename the day for the better of mankind: Laborial day. We had a blast, our first annual, blazing hot Laborial day.

My wife and I invited all of our newly wed friends, to my in-laws house in Huntington Harbor. We went out on the Duffy, played bocce ball, and Jumped off of the bridge, you know, just your average Laborial day events. After all of the fun and games we settled down an had a BBQ where Gabe shared the secrets to the perfect corn.

As Captain of the Duffy, I promoted my Wifey to First Mate.

Our Bocce game...

and lastly jumping off the bridge


Jasmine said...

I LOVE the new look to the blog on blogger! Woohoo! :) Glad to see you had a nice Laborial Day! :)

AHS Photography said...

Beautiful work! I love the shoot off too- you and Gabriel both have such beatiful wives!

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

Thank you! Gabe, you, and i should get together sometime and have lunch... you can never do enough networking


that bridge sequence is killer, man! your color is incredible. nice work!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.