Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Back From Vegas!

My better half and I, stumbled in from the airport half dead, and completely ignoring the atom-bomb that someone planted in our hamper (while we were gone of course, because no one in their right mind would have left with the amount of clothes scattered across the bedroom that we did...;) ). We were so tired from the flight back. We stayed at the Caesar's Palace, and it was awesome. While we were there, shot an E-session, and had a few days to catch up on R&R. While we were there i realized that Vegas hotels are RIDICULOUS! I felt like every one who owned a hotel built theirs thinking "OH, so you want to have a fancy hotel eh, well I'LL SHOW YOU FANCY!" literally every hotel we went into was crazy. Here are a couple of pictures i snapped.

Check back in a couple of days for Tamra & Paul's E-session!

almost the entire ceiling of the Venician was like this.... WOW!
This was basically all my eyes saw for two whole days!

Me and my wifey... ah hum... my wife and I :)


Anonymous said...

yeah for our hot vacation! i want to go back :( thanks for putting pictures up of me... i was waiting for that.

gabriel ryan said...

i could use a lazy day by the pool.... lets catch up this week/weekend


would you say vegas has a plethora of kick @$$ hotels? :) totally jealous of your guys r&r!! images look awesome mark!

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

What is a Plethora of Hotels..Heffe ;) it was so awesome thanks for the compements!