Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my weekend.....

 Last weekend i had the opportunity to travel with the band that i play guitar in (UNA). While we were traveling we had the opportunity to record at Hume Lake studios, and record two songs.

Also, Jered Scott, an amazing photographer, decided to join us on our adventure. He second shot for me at Adam and Jackie's wedding and did an amazing job. There are wayyyy better shots of the weekend on his blog. you should go over there and have a looksy.
... here are some pictures that my wife had a chance to snap over the weekend!

... the one picture i took all weekend


Al Quackenbush said...

I am very excited about whatever you two have in store! That is awesome. I am sure the dedication and hard work will pay off!

Gotta go check out your boy's images now! Have a great rest of the week!!


AHS Photography said...

love it all as always.-aaron

Unknown said...

Sounds very exciting! I'm sure all the hard work will definitely be worth it. Here's wishing you blessings on the final leg of this project!

Melissa Koehler said...

How aweseome for you! Yeah for Hume Lake :)

AHS Photography said...

Ok. Seriously. How it is that one person can be so amazingly talented at music and photography?!! You rock!


Al Quackenbush said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kymberli q. said...

I agree with ahs, he shoots and strums?! Wow! ;) Thanks for sharing your weekend!

(I had to delete the post above - I was logged in as my hubby! LOL)

Dawn Malone said...

Wow! Looks like you had some good times. I love the picture of the two of you and the trees. Your band sounds great! Now you really ROCK...the camera and the guitar.

gabriel.ryan. said...

i can't wait to share the shots i got of mark rocking out last weekend at chain reaction... coming soon to a blog near you


dude that self portrait rules!!!

amber dawn said...

Okay, the one shot you did take is RAD. I love it. How cool that you play in UNA...I didn't realize that. Will you be playing at Hume at the end of July? We're taking our high school youth group up there. LOVE that place!!! =)

Amanda Donaho Photography said...

Thanks for the comment, Candice! You guys are awesome!!

Christian said...

Sweet Pics! I like the finger in the first frame! haha. Yeah Jered is the man.